KI-Radi™ is Your Shield*
This is a must have for your bugout bag. Tablets are blisterd in aluminum/aluminum foil to protect the potency, longevity and integrity.
KI-Radi™ has done 3rd party testing for potency, micros and heavy metals.
In case of a Radiation Emergency

In an event of a radiation emergency, you need to get inside, stay inside and stay tuned.
Take KI-Radi™ every day (every 24 hours) as directed by public officials. Do not take more than 1 dose in 24 hours. More will not help you. Too much KI may increase the chances of side effects.*
Wondering how KI works in your body?

Limits of KI Use*
KI only offers limited protection for specific situations and populations:
- KI protects only against radioactive iodine and does not protect against other types of radiation.*
- KI protects only the thyroid. KI does not protect other parts of the body.*
- KI must be taken within 24 hours before or 4 hours after exposure to be most effective.*
- KI is not a treatment and cannot reverse damage already done to the thyroid.*
- KI may not give a person 100% protection from radioactive iodine.*
Hope I never have to use it. But it's good to be prepared.
Essential kit for my emergency bag.
Crazy time. Better be safe than sorry.
Blog Posts

The Realities of Potassium Iodide: What It Can and Cannot Do
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Understanding Thyroid Health: Why It Matters and How to Maintain It
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